Rise and Shine Child Care Centers offers private pay and subsidized* child care for our infant programs.
*Subsidized child care services are available to families who are income eligible AND meet the need criteria.
Rise and Shine Child Care Centers & Family Services Agency operates on a nondiscriminatory basis, giving equal treatment and service to all families.
We continuously accept waitlist requests and applications for childcare services.
STEP ONE: Join the Waitlist
We must receive your wait-list request. You will automatically receive a link to participate in our monthly Meet 'n Greet. This step is required to begin the process.
An application for child care does not automatically enroll your family in the program.
Your application will be placed on a waitlist until an enrollment opening becomes available. Please note: We are not a first-come, first-served program.
We base our selection on attendance requests and our census at the time of requested enrollment.
Subsidized families are ranked based on their Family Size & Income based upon the Income Ranking Table released annually by CDE & CDSS.
Spaces are filled from the eligibility list according to a priority system. We maintain a waiting list for services following admission priorities based on family size and income determined by the California Department of Education and the California Department of Social Services.
The center will not deny services nor assign a lower priority to a family that needs less than full-time services. The center cannot identify a family’s position on the wait list as this may change daily. Families will be contacted when an opening is available for child care.
We must have current contact information for your application. Please contact our office if you have changes to your phone number or email. After a family is notified of an opening for infant care, the family must complete the Enrollment Process before services can begin.
All families must go through a formal enrollment and orientation process before care begins.
Additionally, subsidized families need to be certified for care by providing proof of eligibility and need. The center is required to verify information provided by the family.
The enrolling adult is responsible for providing all documentation required to the satisfaction of the administrative staff at the scheduled enrollment time. Failure to complete enrollment requirements in a timely manner may result in the loss of child care services.
Copy of current immunization record is required* for all enrolled children.
Immunization Requirements for Children in Child Care in California
The above resource is intended to provide general information about the topic covered.
It is made available with the understanding that Rise and Shine Child Care Centers & Family Services Agency is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice.
The site states that the information is current as of January 2022 but the law changes often.
If you need legal advice, you should consult an attorney who can specifically advise or represent you.
Please bring one (1) 4x6 Vertical Smiling Head-shot Photo for our First Friends Photo Wall.
This form is required for infants enrolled in our program that have not yet had their first birthday. You will receive a link with other forms at time of enrollment. Please read, and digitally fill out, sign/initial and submit with the rest of your enrollment forms.
Photo used with permission.
(Annalise enrolled 2023 - 2025)
If needed or required, you will receive a digital form to authorize our staff to administer medication.
A digital link will be provided when necessary.
If perscription medication is necessary we must have physican's instructions to administer medication.
A digital link will be provided when necessary.
Our program utilizes the ProCare App to stay connected with parents. This application is also used for sign-in/out procedures and has the capability for online payments.
Copyright © 2018-2025
Rise and Shine Child Care Centers
& Family Services Agency.
All Rights Reserved.
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